If you are looking to start small or just love coding on retro machines you could have a go at typing in a listing to ZX Spectrum or an emulator with zx basic.
I managed to do this in an hour or so but could have reduce the lines to less than half but in the interests of presentation I left them in.
ZX Spin or ZX emulator of your choice or an actual ZX Spectrum machine.
This version is 98 lines of code so without further ado here is the code
Note: \a and \b indicate UDG a and UDG b chars
\. is the Graphics mode + 4 symbol and \ . is the Graphics mode + shift + 7 symbol (i think)
1 REM a Speccy Conversion by G Plowman ( Gazzapper Games) 2 PRINT AT 10,10;”LOADING GRAPHICS” 3 GO SUB 3000 5 BRIGHT 1 6 PAPER 7 7 INK 1: CLS 8 LET hscore=INT (0) 10 PRINT AT 1,0: INK 2: PRINT “\a\a\a\a \a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a\a \a \a” 20 INK 3: PRINT “\a \a \a \a \a \a \a \a \a \a” 21 INK 4: PRINT “\a\a\a \a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a\a” 22 INK 5: PRINT “\a \a \a \a \a \a \a” 24 INK 1: PRINT “\a \a \a \a \a \a \a” 26 INK 3: PRINT “\a \a \a \a \a \a \a” 28 INK 2: PRINT “\a \a\a\a\a\a \a \a \a \a” 30 PRINT “” 32 INK 4: PRINT “\a\a\a\a \a\a \a\a\a\a \a\a\a” 34 INK 2: PRINT “\a \a \a\a \a \a \a \a” 36 INK 1: PRINT “\a\a\a\a \a\a \a\a\a\a \a \a” 38 INK 4: PRINT “\a \a \a\a \a \a \a \a” 40 INK 3: PRINT “\a \a \a\a \a \a \a \a” 42 INK 5: PRINT “\a\a\a\a \a\a \a \a \a\a\a” 43 PRINT “”: INK 0 48 PRINT “SINCLAIR SPECTRUM CONVERSION” 49 PRINT “By Gary Plowman- Orig .Gears” 50 PRINT 51 PRINT ” PRESS A KEY TO START” 55 PRINT ” (CONTROLS : ANY KEY TO FLY” 56 INK 3: PRINT AT 19,0;”\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .” 60 FOR n=1 TO 30 62 PRINT AT 1,n;” \a” 64 PAUSE 5 66 PRINT AT 1,n;” \b” 68 BEEP .02,1 70 PAUSE 5 75 IF INKEY$<>”” THEN GO TO 200 80 NEXT n 85 PRINT AT 1,n;” “: 86 GO TO 60 200 LET score=INT (0): LET r=1 202 DIM x(10): DIM h(10) 203 LET pipes=INT (1) 204 LET fly=INT (12): LET anim=INT (0) 205 BRIGHT 1: PAPER 7: INK 2 206 CLS 210 PRINT AT 10,10;”G E T R E A D Y!” 220 PRINT “” 222 INK 1: PRINT AT 12,10;” \a” 226 PRINT 227 INK 2: PRINT ” Tap To Fly” 230 IF INKEY$=”” THEN GO TO 230 300 REM ****** START ********** 302 FOR o=1 TO 10 303 LET h(o)=INT (RND*8)+1 305 NEXT o 306 FOR l=1 TO 10 307 REM LET h(l)=INT (RND*8+1) 308 LET x(l)=25+(l*5) 309 NEXT l 310 GO SUB 1000 600 GO TO 310 999 REM *********************** 1000 REM **** DRAW PIPES 1002 CLS 1010 INK 1: PRINT AT fly,10;” \a”: LET fly=fly+1 1011 INK 3: PRINT AT 19,0;”\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .”: PRINT AT 20,0;” G.Plowman- Orig. by D.Nguyen” 1012 IF anim=1 THEN INK 1: PRINT AT fly-1,10;” \b” 1013 LET anim=0 1016 LET r=r+1 1017 INK 3: PRINT AT 0,2;”SCORE: “;score: PRINT AT 0,20;”HI-SCORE:”;hscore 1018 IF INKEY$<>”” THEN LET fly=fly-2: BEEP .01,2 1030 FOR p=1 TO 10 1033 IF INKEY$<>”” THEN LET anim=INT (1) 1035 INK 4 1039 LET bh=h(p)*8: IF x(p)<30 AND x(p)>1 AND h(p)>0 THEN PLOT x(p)*8,3*8: DRAW 0,bh: DRAW 8,0: DRAW 0,-(bh) 1040 LET nh=INT ((13-(h(p)))*8): IF x(p)<30 AND x(p)>1 AND h(p)>0 THEN PLOT x(p)*8,150: DRAW 0,-nh: DRAW 8,0: DRAW 0,nh 1041 IF x(p)<1 THEN BEEP .02,3: LET score=score+1 1070 IF x(p)=12 AND fly>19-h(p) THEN GO SUB 1200 1075 IF x(p)=12 AND fly<19-(h(p)+3) THEN GO SUB 1200 1076 IF fly=INT (20) THEN GO SUB 1200 1080 NEXT p 1100 RETURN 1200 REM **** DEAD **** 1210 PRINT AT 10,4;”OUCH!!” 1220 BEEP .3,7: BEEP .3,2: BEEP .5,-3 1240 PRINT AT 12,4;”HIT ENTER TO RESTART!” 1300 IF INKEY$=CHR$ (13) THEN GO TO 200 1310 GO TO 1300 3000 LET daa=0 3002 FOR n=0 TO 167 3005 READ DAA 3010 DATA 12,18,37,193,254,66,60,0,12,18,37,193,254,126,0,0,0,60,66,64,64,66,60,0,0,120,68,66,66,68,120,0,0,126,64,124,64,64,126,0,0,126,64,124,64,64,64,0,0,60,66,64,78,66,60,0,0,66,66,126,66,66,66,0,0,62,8,8,8,8,62,0,0,2,2,2,66,66,60,0,0,68,72,112,72,68,66,0,0,64,64,64,64,64,126,0,0,66,102,90,66,66,66,0,0,66,98,82,74,70,66,0,0,60,66,66,66,66,60,0,0,124,66,66,124,64,64,0,0,60,66,66,82,74,60,0,0,124,66,66,124,68,66,0,0,60,64,60,2,66,60,0,0,254,16,16,16,16,16,0,0,66,66,66,66,66,60,0,0 3030 POKE USR “a”+n,daa 3040 NEXT n 3050 RETURN
Why not visit the Playstore and try some of our apps.
Just search Gazzapper on playstore!
Since creating this – I have written a Coding Book with 20 Games to Learn and Type-In in Sinclair BASIC
Just search amazon or your favourite online bookstore for ‘ZX Spectrum Games Code Club‘
(Print & Digital formats)