Retro Pixel Art Sketchbook for Game Devs and Game Jams ❤


pixel art game jams resources
create and learn pixel art by doing!


Excellent resource for Pixel Art and budding pixel artists or game jam participants. 


This is how we keep up our skills – practice, practice and while away from the computer even more practice.

Generate ideas while travelling or if out and about with this sketchbook / pad. Be a Pixel Art maker & creator.

The most creative ideas are created on paper first!!

Over 160 pages – Pixel Art in 16 x 16, 32 x 32 and 64 x 64  – all for only $6.99

Buy a copy here

Large drawing sketch book pad (8″ x 10″) for Game Developers, artistic kids and adult fans of retro gaming. Use for game jam / modding projects and sprite character animations for your gaming projects.

Pixel art is very popular today – with many indie developers using pixel art in their video games.

Create / draw handmade sprites of your favorite gaming characters using this book for pixel art on the go! Create your own versions of Terraria, Nintendo, Minecraft and Atari game characters or create your own images entirely.

Use for creating Pixel Art in 16 x 16, 32 x 32 and 64 x 64 sprite sizes. Contains over 700 sprite grids and custom Palette grids to record your sprite color schemes. Each grid is a light grey to ensure that pixel artwork will come to the foreground as you create using colored pencils.


best pixel art sketchbook, pixel art sketchpads


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